
It should be noted that all these books were written and researched, by the two authors Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett, but in 2005 they were forced to publish under the name of Grant Berkley.
This is explained in the "Publisher Sabotage" part of the "Conspiracy" section.


By Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett, Editor - Grant Berkley

  • Published: Trafford Publishing 2009
  • Language: British
  • Pages: 350

  • Dimensions (estimates)
  • Hardback:
    26cm X 18cm X 3cm = 10.4" X 7.2" X 1.2"
    25cm X 18cm X 2cm = 10" X 7.2" X 0.8"

  • Weight
  • Hardback: 0.9 kilograms = 2 pounds
    Paperback: 0.7 kilograms = 1.6 pounds

Book Introduction

Around 20 BC a massive argument took place in Rome. Vergil had just published his "Aeneid" and others like Horace were supporting him. The debate erupted as Vergil and indeed Roman History placed the Trojan War around 650 BC, whilst the Greek dates established by mathematicians estimated a date between 1334 BC and 1135 BC.

Flavius Josephus the Jewish writer around AD 70 was openly derisive of the Greek claims, and enquiry shows that ancient British records point directly to around 650 BC, and the list of Frank Kings back to Antenor of Troy also only provides sufficient names to stretch back to around 650 BC.

The question is simple, "were two continuous accurate Histories of Rome, and also the Jewish/Hebrew, the British, and the Frank national records all incorrect?"

It is important to the British as Brutus the great grandson of Aeneas of Troy arrived in Britain around 500 BC, and the Greek calculations would invalidate British Ancient History. The Greeks won the day in 20 BC simply because the Lyceum in Athens was 400 years old and regarded as a source of authority.

This volume explores the data that has survived from antiquity concerning the real date of the real Trojan War. It does appears to be very strange that four nations should all preserve histories that clearly point to 650 BC as a correct date and that vague, and in fact ludicrous "calculations" should have been preferred. It is also strange that these four nations should regard the Trojan War as a reality, and yet English academics are clearly reluctant to defend ancient British historical record.

One tool used in this exploration is the absolute fact that the Egyptian Hieroglyphics can easily and very accurately be read using the 4000 years old Khumric-"Welsh" language. This fact was known in antiquity but routinely avoided by academics in Britain as it is both Politically and Religiously Incorrect.

The Trojan War was a struggle to gain the throne of Egypt. The Trojan War erupted when a Pharaoh died leaving a widow Queen and a young daughter and there was no suitable person of rank available in Egypt to marry the Queen and so become the new Pharaoh. The widowed Queen was taken off to Troy and the infant daughter was seized and remained in Egypt. There is clear evidence that "Helen" was in fact Queen Ankhesenpa'aten, and the other major characters also emerge with stark clarity.

The background was a major power struggle raging between the Assyrian Empire and the Chaldean "Hittite" Empire. The Greeks were allied to the Assyrians, and the Ethiopian Egyptian state was allied with the Chaldean "Hittites". The situation was a mirror image of World War II in Europe with the two super powers of the Chaldean "Hittites" and the Assyrians fighting on an Eastern Front and the Greeks opening up a Second Front in the West around Troy.

Troy appears nowhere in Biblical records around 1200 BC, but the Fall of Troy as the great city of Tarshish is very plainly exhibited in Biblical texts around 650 BC. The Greek playwrights were in no doubt about this and their works constantly alluded to the Two Helens.

There were major Greek cities along the Mediterranean coast of Egypt and the most powerful of the Greek kings who ruled a major city in the Delta of Egypt raised an expedition to attempt to recover the widowed Queen from the city of Troy. He already had control of the infant heiress princess but he needed to seize the Queen mother to make sure of becoming the Pharaoh.

These facts emerge in stark detail when the events around 650 BC are examined from this new viewpoint. What is surprising is that the major characters in the drama can all be traced in their real life personas. The importance of correctly dating Troy can hardly be overstated and it is a major time peg on which to hang correct ancient world history. The real surprise is that historians have never in the past questioned the obviously fabricated and very questionable Greek dates.

[ Top ]


By Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett, Editor - Grant Berkley

King Arthur Conspiracy Also available at:


  • Published: Trafford Publishing 2005
  • Language: British
  • Pages: 583
  • Dimensions:
    23cm X 18cm X 3.5cm = 9.2" X 7.2" X 1.4"
  • Weight: 1.0 kilograms = 2.2 pounds
Book price includes postage :-
Great Britain = £26.00
Rest of world = £28.00
Surfacemail up to 8 weeks used for below :-

(Contact us for other options)

Book Introduction   (Click here to view free chapter)

This work constitutes an entirely new synthesis of the earliest evidence. Britain has two ancient histories. One version is a mass of confusions and dead ends, starting with events of the 5th Century AD. This establishment version of history ignores ancient British records, relics, and evidence.

British history begins with the arrival of the great fleets of Albyne around 1600 BC (3600 years ago) and the later arrival of Brutus and his armadas around 500 BC (2500 years ago). The histories of Albyne, of Brutus and the entire Arthurian Dynasty were finally consigned to limbo around 1840-1860, in a rush of imperial propaganda and fanatical religious orthodoxy.

A British Christian Kingdom founded in Apostolic times stands at last revealed. Evidence of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, and of the Ark of Covenant, and the key to deciphering the Copper Dead Sea Scrolls, was discarded in this cultural genocide due to a preconceived mind-set within an inaccurate framework. The fabricators of this policy also destroyed the vital evidence of Ancient American History without realizing that fact.

One composite major historical figure, "King Arthur" in the persons of Arthur I, son of Magnus Maximus c AD 346-400, and his direct descendant Arthur II, son of King Meurig c AD 503–579, stood immovably in the way of the planned destruction and obliteration of all non-Anglo-Saxon ancient British History. The evidence of these comprehensively recorded two Arthurs is in abundance. "King Arthur" remained the great obstacle. Stale paradigms and 19th Century Victorian anachronisms are appropriately left far behind.

Persistent tradition asserted that the Ancient British Coelbren Alphabet was identical with Ancient Etruscan, Rhaetian, & Pelasgian Alphabets, offering clues to deciphering these inscriptions scattered along the ancient British migrations trails. The Alphabet was used in ancient Assyria by the Ten Tribes of Israel between 720-687 BC, who the Assyrians knew as the Khumry. In Asia Minor the Khumry were called the Kimmeroi by the Greeks, in 687-650 BC, when they left Armenia and migrated westwards through Asia Minor. The Alphabet appears in the Aegean, and in ancient Palestine and Egypt. From the Dardanelles in Asia Minor half of these people went to Italy to found the Etruria in c 650 BC, and the remaining half sailed for Britain in c 504 BC under their leader Brutus.

The same Alphabet was used in Britain by the Khumry, who were called "Welsh" from the Anglo-Saxon word "wallische" in High German, meaning "strangers". The decipherment of ancient Etruscan texts opens up areas of physical evidence.

Re-writing of Oxford and Cambridge around 1850 succeeded in eliminating the most titanic event in British history when debris from a comet devastated almost all the densely populated powerful Arthurian state. This involved a massive array of ancient written evidence including details of Voyages in the 6th century AD, and linked directly to an array of physical evidence and inscriptions in the Coelbren Alphabet on the East Coast and Mid West of North America.

Madoc Morfran, a brother of Arthur II, sailed to America in AD 562, and Gwenon sailed in AD 573 to confirm the star reckonings, and Arthur II and Madoc sailed with a fleet of 700 ships in AD 574, in well recorded voyages that are supported by Manuscript and physical evidence.

Scholars have been denied access to massive areas of vital evidence, and the Ark of Covenant was in Armenia from c 720–687 BC, and at the Dardanelles by 504 BC. Fallacious platitudes and unjustified hypothesis are paradoxically revealed. This research and discoveries reveals tangible evidence and the necessary topographical identification to bring the history into the physical realm.

[ Top ]


By Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett, Editor - Grant Berkley

Moses in the Hieroglyphs Also available at:


  • Published: Trafford Publishing 2006
  • Language: British
  • Pages: 498
  • Dimensions:
    23cm X 18cm X 3.5cm = 9.2" X 7.2" X 1.4"
  • Weight: 0.8 kilograms = 1.9 pounds
Book price includes postage :-
Great Britain = £23.00
Rest of world = £25.00
Surfacemail up to 8 weeks used for below :-

(Contact us for other options)

Book Introduction   (Click here to view free chapter)

The assertion that there are no ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic texts that make mention of the Hebrew Patriarchs Joseph, Moses, and Solomon and the Queen of Sheba is incorrect. There are unmistakable Hieroglyphic texts. The Nation of Khumry, who are misnamed as the "Welsh", are reliably traced back in time and distance as the "lost" Ten Tribes of Israel. Their deportation from Israel to Armenia around 720-700 BC was followed by their march west through Asia Minor to the Dardanelles. Half the Nation went to found Etruria around 650 BC, and the remainder sailed for Britain in c 504 BC. This means that before they arrived in Canaan to found Israel, they were in Egypt.

A strange Khumric Triad notation of around 1000 years ago indicates the Egyptian connection and specifically refers to the Hieroglyphic writings. The clear inference is that Khumric is the basic language of the Hieroglyphics. Professor Sir John Morris Jones wrote a Thesis in 1898 that demonstrated the identically of the complex Khumric Syntax and that of Ancient Egypt. Plus the fact that the same seven vowels - A E I O U W Y - were used in Ancient Egypt and the Khumry.

Other 19th Century scholars including Bunsen were alert to this ancient Language connection. As there are well known huge chronological mismatches scattered all through the Histories of the ancient Nations of the Near East and the Mediterranean, and considerable confusions in the Ancient History of Egypt, it appears logical that there must be something wrong with the Historical Data. As there are thousands of Egyptian Hieroglyphic texts, there should be no problem with the order and chronology of the History, if these texts are read correctly.

The fact that there is confusion indicates that the Texts have not been properly read and automatically this means that the present accepted method of reading the Ancient Egyptian History is used as the yardstick to establish the dates and full chronology of all the other Ancient Nations. Wars, royal inter-marriages, treaties of alliance and trade agreements, and so on, are all "dated" by reference directly or indirectly to Ancient Egypt.

As the present accepted order and grotesquely distorted. Historical gaps, and dark ages, of five, six, and even eight hundred centuries litter the scenario, and every investigator who has dared to step into this arena has pointed the finger directly at Egyptian chronology.

Basic analysis shows that the concept that the Hieroglyphs were written in Coptic is not correct, and the "system" of decipherment mainly involves guesswork and speculation using a strange cocktail mix of Coptic, Hamatic, and Hebrew. The indications are that J F Champollion claimed much more than he actually achieved. If the Texts are not deciphered and read correctly then the information in the Texts is not correctly understood.

It is a simple task to test the possibility that the ancient Language of the Khumry in Britain that can be traced back through Etruria, the Aegean, Asia Minor, and Assyria, to old Israel, is the basic language of the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

As a number of scholars have attempted to raise the issue of the chaos existing in the chronology of Ancient Egyptian History, and in 1990 Peter James and four other academic archaeologists published "Centuries of Darkness" and pointed out the historical mismatches, and later David Rohl published his "Pharaohs & Kings" and made his TV series, and the problem of incorrect dates and order were clearly illustrated.

Between 1950 and 1970 Immanuel Velikovsky published a series of books outlining the problems in "Ages in Chaos", in "Ramesses II & His Time", "Oedipus & Ahkenaten", "The Peoples of the Sea", etc. Velikovsky was viciously attacked in a disgraceful exhibition of academic barbarism. Peter James et al and David Rohl, were quietly ignored. Nothing positive was done by the entrenched establishment who are willingly deaf, dumb, and blind to the situation.

The pre 307 BC Hieroglyphic texts can be read using the Khumric Language as their foundation. The results are consistent, coherent, and much more accurate than the "Egyptospeak" invented by Champollion. The order of the Egyptian Dynasties as currently presented is chaotic, and there are also many clear duplications.

The indisputable fact is that the alleged 21st Dynasty of Egypt that is currently misdated at c 1050-950 BC is one and the same with the Family Dynasty of Alexander the Great in the 332-307 BC era. On this there can be no argument. The notion that there are no Hieroglyphic texts that identify Joseph, Benjamin, Moses, and Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, is a patent absurdity. These patriarchal figures have been shunted back in time from c 1550 BC to 2600 BC, from c 1350 BC to 2400 BC, and from c 950 BC to 1450 BC, and so on, and as a result they have been obscured.

Much of this disorder could and should have been resolved many years ago and there was a major scientific tool available to assist in this necessary process with the discovery of the Radio Carbon 14 dating techniques. Instead of putting their house in order the denizens of the colleges and museums laboured mightily to discredit the Radio Carbon 14 dating methods, and it still is the common practice to discard and ignore the multitude of Radio CArbon 14 results that highlight the problems, and to claim that these readings "must be" contaminated or otherwise aberrant.

The Researchers of this Project made their findings 20 years ago, beginning in 1984 when correct information cascaded out from readings of Hieroglyphic texts using Khumric, and only Khumric, as the base language. The savage treatment that was accorded to Velikovsky totally deterred them from making any of their work public. It is a sad fact that censorship does exist and persists and has for centuries.

Nonetheless there are clear Texts on Joseph, on Moses, and on Solomon & Sheba, and others. The rush to publish of the 19th Century has left a legacy of muddles and stagnation and it is time to allow a Defence to be heard against the unchallenged Allegation and Prosecution.

[ Top ]


By Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett, Editor - Grant Berkley

The Discovery of the Ark of the Covenant Also available at:


  • Published: Trafford Publishing 2007
  • Language: British
  • Pages: 360
  • Dimensions:
    25cm X 18cm X 2cm = 10" X 7.2" X 0.8"
  • Weight: 0.7 kilograms = 1.6 pounds
Book price includes postage :-
Great Britain = £22.00
Rest of world = £24.00
Surfacemail up to 8 weeks used for below :-

(Contact us for other options)

Book Introduction   (Click here to view free chapter)

British history records that there were two major migrations from the near east into Britain in antiquity. One was the fleet migration from Syria led by Albyne around 1560 BC, and the other was the second fleet migration from the Trojan Dardanelles area in Western Turkey led by Brutus around 504 BC. Ancient alphabet inscriptions and other tangible and written records show that the second migration was that of the Ten Tribes of Israel. The same ancient Alphabet is found all the way along the British migration routes from Palestine, to Assyria, through Asia Minor to the Aegean and to Etruscan Italy and Rhaetian Switzerland. In Britain the Ten Tribes were known as the Khumry. This research began in 1976 some 31 years ago and it has met with nothing but opposition and obstruction, mainly from academics who are reluctant to even contemplate it.

Around 1360 BC Moses had the fabulous box called the Ark of the Covenant made. This holy box was the national talisman of the Hebrew nation. It was revered as the place of the presence of the god Yahweh and the most holy thing belonging to the Hebrew nation. A series if events that included the Ark being seen as an invincible means of military success and in one disaster being captured by the Philistines ended when King David placed the Ark in the care of the family of Obed Edom, and he took the Ark to Jerusalem around 975 BC along with the family of Obed Edom.

The next King was Solomon and he built a celebrated temple in Jerusalem to house the Ark, where annually the high priest entered the holy of holies chamber to serve the divine box. Nothing much is said of the Ark until c.790 BC the Judean King Ahaziah attacked the Israelite King Jehoash and was totally defeated. The victorious Jehoash then went to Jerusalem where he took everything from the palace and EVERYTHING from the temple, and he also took away the family of Obed Edom who are the family mentioned several times in the Bible as guardians of the Ark. Therefore Jehoash removed the Ark from Jerusalem and took it north to Samaria. Nothing is said in the Biblical record of the Ark being anywhere near Jerusalem after this event in circa 790 BC.

In 740-736 BC the Judean King Ahaz paid a huge bribe to the Assyrian Emperor Tiglath-pileser III to attack King Pekah of Ten Tribe Israel, and as a result Israel was totally crushed by the Assyrian army. A large number of Israelite nobles and leaders were immediately deported north to areas around Harran from where the patriarch Abraham had begun his migrations. In successive campaigns by the Assyrian emperors Shalmaneser IV, Sargon II, and Sennacherib great numbers of the Israelite nation were deported north and up into the areas north of Harran. In 702 BC Sennacherib recorded how he deported 200,120 people in one mass exodus.

The Assyrian records unmistakeably and persistently call the Ten Tribes as the Khumry. It is a virtual certainty that these deported Ten Tribes took the Ark with them from Israel. Sennacherib was murdered by two of his sons in c 687 BC and civil war convulsed the Assyrian Empire and as the heir Esarhaddon fought the murderers the massed Ten Tribes took the opportunity to move westwards across both the upper branches of the "Y" shaped Euphrates river as described in the Book of Esdras II. They moved slowly and unstoppably through Asia Minor and the Greeks recorded their migration as that of the Kimmeroi–Khumry.

There is a record of the Khumry having the Ark with them on this journey from north of Assyria through Asia Minor and to the Dardanelles. Finally around 650 BC the nation split into two and one half migrated to Italy whilst the other half remained in the areas around Byzantium until circa 504 BC when they gathered on the island of Lemnos before sailing to Britain in their fleets.

An inscribed stone that was found on Lemnos in 1876 and now in the Athens museum that records this gathering and the intent to sail to Britain. Either the Ark was taken to Etrurian Italy in circa 650 BC or it remained near the Dardanelles until around 504 BC before being brought into Britain. The fact is that the Greal or Holy Greal is simply a record, and a comparison would be that the Bible, the Koran, the American Declaration of Independence, or the two Tablets brought down the mountain by Moses, would all be Greals. Britain is the land of the Holy Greal.

The search was begun to locate the Ark in Britain and this proved to be relatively straight-forward but technically difficult. The persistent ancient legend in the area north of Cardiff is that a great chest lies buried and this chest is guarded by two Cigfrangawr - Giant Ravens. It is not difficult to perceive that this great chest is the Ark that has two golden Cherumbim - fearsome dragon figures.

What emerged was that there had been a direct transfer of culture from Israel to Britain and all across the hills of South Wales there are gigantic mounds, and these huge mounds are named and set out in a pattern to mirror the pattern of the major stars in the heavens. Then there are several ancient tales that tell of the great planets moving on their orbits and being in conjunction with the main stars of the various constellations. The journeys of the planets – seen as moving and not fixed stars – are tracing out routes that can be followed around the Star Mound Maps on the ground.

In short our British ancestors left us clear records of where to go. The Ark is at a place where the giant mound marks the star Regulus in Leo the Lion, the Judean emblem. The ancient place name is The Enclosure of the Ark and the central area is The Place of Worship. The top of the large hillock has clearly been moulded by the hand of man, and satellite photography showed spoil heaps tumbling down the slopes from a tunnel excavated horizontally to underground chambers. Five very ancient drainage systems of the type used in antiquity to drain and keep chambers dry are clearly evident. Amazingly the Above Sea Levels readings of satellite photography proved absolutely that the top 60 feet of this low dome shaped hill is a man-made construction.

This is unassailable, incontrovertible, and absolute scientific proof of the highest order. Ground penetrating radar and other methods shows at least two underground chambers, and deep reading electronic metal detection identifies a large non-ferrous box of around four feet + long and two feet + wide. This is the precise size of the Ark of the Covenant.

An approach has been made to the Welsh National Assembly and hopefully something positive will at last be done to restore Khumric British heritage, culture, and history.

[ Top ]


By Alan Wilson, Baram Blackett, Adrian Gilbert

The Holy Kingdom Stocks limited
  • Published: In 1998 - ( 5th Book )
  • Language: British
  • Pages: 379
  • Dimensions
  • Hardback:
    24cm X 16.5cm X 3.5cm = 9.7" X 6.6" X 1.4"
  • Weight
  • Hardback: 0.7 kilograms = 1.5 pounds
Book price includes postage :-
Great Britain = £21.00
Rest of world = £23.00
Surfacemail up to 8 weeks used for below :-

(Contact us for other options)

Book Introduction

This book "The Holy Kingdom" is an overview of the general state of the Arthurian Researches as matters stood in 1997. It is an attempt to break the political and religious barriers of censorship that seek to obliterate all authentic ancient British History.

After the publication of "Artorivs Rex Discovered" in 1986 it became obvious that there was no future in doing anything in brain-dead Wales where all academic thinking was English orientated and otherwise dedicated to the uninteresting minor local princes of North West Wales. The Arthurian Kingdom centralized in South East Wales was a definite No-Go area, and clearly the London Government and their local Welsh lackeys were determined to prevent any worthwhile efforts in South East Wales.

In 1996 Adrian Gilbert contacted Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett with a view to publishing a joint book on the basic evidence of the Arthurian Saga in Wales. Alan and Baram were at that time planning to leave Wales quietly and making every effort to improve their property to get a good price to facilitate that move.

In 1990 they had been compelled to conduct the immensely important and hugely successful excavations of St Peter's super Montem. The English run and controlled CADW - posing as "Welsh Heritage" - had suddenly declared that St Peters was a 12th Century Norman Church.

This meant that the Historical notices and those in the illustrious Llandaff Charters of King Lleirwg – Luke, and St Peters around AD 160 were false. It meant that two of the three series of ancient Welsh Triads were false, and so were several Ancient Welsh Histories and a number of important ancient Epic Poems, and so on. Emrys Wledig and his mother could not have met the Ambassadors of Gwertheyrn-Vortigern there around AD 440, the great historic Khumric and Saxon Peace Conference around AD 456 could not have been held there. The records directly linking King Arthur II to St Peters, ie the 10th Century Breton "Perlesvaux Manuscript", were false, and so on and on and on.

In short the whole of ancient Khumric-Welsh history was entirely forged according to the English Journalist from Nottingham who was appointed to run "welsh heritage" or CADW posing as Welsh Heritage.

The result was that in order to refute these childish and completely destructive nonsense statements from CADW the enemy (Commission Arranging Demolition of Wales), Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett were compelled to spend all their funds on an expensive excavation of St Peters. The result was that four ancient churches had been built one on top of the other down the centuries and the first church was built in the 1st century AD.

The permissions to excavate must by Law be granted or refused in seven weeks. In this case it took twenty-four weeks as every effort was made to prevent the excavations.

Finally the work began in winter, and in week seven the site was hit by a freak 100 mph storm, followed by two 70 mph storms. It was wrecked.

Just before the 100 mph storm, the entry to the crypt underneath the church had been found and the shaft was being excavated. Metal detection shows large metal objects under the very ancient church. There were no funds left to excavate and the government & bureaucratic delays had prevented final entry to the crypt.

Alan Wilson had made two long visits to the USA in 1992 and 1994 cooperating with USA colleagues on the transatlantic voyages of Madoc-Morfran in c AD 562, the Gwenon voyage of AD 573 and the voyage of Arthur II, Madoc-Morfran, and Annwn in AD 574–579. Welsh Coelbren Alphabet inscriptions exist in large numbers North America proving these voyages, so all research interest was being transferred out and away from Wales and re-directed towards evidence British Ancient Origins in Etruria (Italy) Turkey, Palestine and Egypt, in the East and to North America in the West.

The proposition from Adrian Gilbert that a book be written on Arthur I and Arthur II and Wales in general was not exactly welcomed. None-the-less Alan and Baram escaped from the open prison that is called Wales, and removed themselves to civilization in Hove in late 1997.

The production of the book The Holy Kingdom was hampered by the Publishers, who plainly did not understand the project and the material. They thought that was just another "go nowhere" pot boiler travelogue type of project and interfered wholesale. The result was a book that although it covers large areas of the researches quite well it missed a golden opportunity to take matters further to the new levels of research.

It is a good basic book and actually deals with areas of Wilson & Blackett's research as matters stood in relation to Arthurian Researches 1997. It was also examined in detail by a third party - Adrian Gilbert.

Establishment attempts were made to interfere with the publication, but "THE HOLY KINGDOM" finally emerged in 1998 and updated the public perception of Arthurian Researches. From that point onwards after THE HOLY KINGDOM, Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett began planning the current series of Books to get everything finally and completely sorted out.

[ Top ]


By Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett

Artorius Rex Discovered
  • Published: In 1986 - ( 4th Book )
  • Language: British
  • Pages: 288

  • Dimensions
  • Hardback:
    24cm X 16.5cm X 2cm = 9.6" X 6.6" X 0.8"
  • Weight
  • Hardback: 0.6 kilograms = 1.3 pounds
Book price includes postage :-
Great Britain = £22.00
Rest of world = £24.00
Surfacemail up to 8 weeks used for below :-

(Contact us for other options)

Book Introduction   (Click here to view free chapter)

This book was published in 1986 and it was the fourth book published by Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett. By 1984 they had followed the Ancient Khumric historical statement that the ancient Coelbren Alphabet of Britain was identical with ancient Etruscan in Italy, Rhaetian in Switzerland, and Pelasgian in the Aegean and Asia Minor (Turkey).

Authors in 1797, 1848, 1852, and 1906 had stated this, and both Julius Caesar and Ammianus Marcellinus had indicated these ancient links. As the Alphabet was scattered all along the ancient migration trails to Britain, Alan and Baram were happily using the preserved Ciphers and deciphering texts back to 700 BC.

In 1984 they had attempted to use the ancient Welsh statement that Khumric "Welsh" was the language of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs and 19th century Welsh academics had made inroads into proving this ancient claim, and then inexplicably they stopped.

It works and the Welsh system of reading the Egyptian Hieroglyphs is immensely superior to the quite extraordinary Champollion "method" of using a cocktail of mixed Coptic, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Guesswork.

So Wilson & Blackett were investigating British Origins and pursuing the History of Albyne sailing to Britain from Syria around 1500-1350 BC, and the History of Brutus sailing from the Dardanelles area of Turkey around 500 BC. Their researches into the genuine records of both Arthur I and Arthur II had clearly offended every politician and bureaucrat, and every Grant Farming lazy academic and religious fanatic. So it was far safer to work on authentic records of the two ancient migrations into Britain. Any research into British genuine, authentic, and accurate Histories is totally unwelcome in London, Cardiff, Oxford, and Cambridge.

A number of people in South Wales were insistent that Wilson and Blackett should publish again in Wales under the mistaken apprehension that the Criminals who run the country might have some glimmer of self-respect and national pride. So it was that Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett reluctantly decided in 1986 to publish "Artorivs Rex Discovered". This is a definitive book that brought the research up-to-date as things stood in 1986.

The inevitable result was the usual plethora of dirty tricks and outrage from the Public Funds Monopolizers, and anti-British Grant Farmers. The details would fill a book.

"Artorivs Rex Discovered" is a good book for anyone wanting to begin to know the correct history and the basics of the Dynasty of the Arthurian Saga. It outlines the fundamentals of the History, and it was not until 1997 when they were safely out of Wales that Alan Wilson chose to publish again. It is a pity that Graham Cole and the Welsh Politicians did not read it, assuming that some of them can read.

From 1986 onwards the Research was directed towards the migration journeys and the origins of the British of circa 1500-1350 BC and the Khumry "Welsh" around 500 BC, and the transatlantic voyages of AD 562, AD 572, AD 573, and AD 574-579. This involved Italy, Switzerland, the Aegean, Turkey, Syria Palestine and of course Egypt and the USA.

Research on both King Arthurs had to be continued, but Wales itself was avoided as far as was possible.

[ Top ]


By Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett

Arthur the Warking
  • Published: In 1982/83 - ( 3rd Book )
  • Language: British
  • Pages: 315
  • Dimensions
  • Hardback:
    30.3cm X 21.5cm X 3cm = 12.1" X 8.6" X 1.2"
  • Weight
  • Hardback: 1.6 kilograms = 3.5 pounds
Book price includes postage :-
Great Britain = £34.00
Rest of world = £37.00
Surfacemail up to 8 weeks used for below :-

(Contact us for other options)

Book Introduction   (Click here to view free chapter)

This book is a historical novel that was intended to be an accurately based trilogy on the Life of King Arthur II, the son of King Meurig and Queen Onbrawst. It is without doubt one of the best historical novels ever written, and far and away the best on "King Arthur".

Relatively few people read books on historical research, although the ground-breaking books by Velikovsky in the 1950's and 1960's disproves this. So in order to bring the true story to a much wider audience it was decided to tell the story in graphic form.

The saga opens with King Tewdrig (Theoderic) arranging a marriage alliance with Gwrgan Mawr (Aurelian the Great) by the Prince Meurig (Maurice) marrying Gwrgan's daughter Onbrawst. Then Tewdrig the Uthurpendragon sails to Cornwall to near Tintagel to attack Guinner the Two-Faced, who is making deals with the Irish.

The story moves on to the birth of Arthur II as eldest son of the later King Meurig. The story progresses through his childhood and youth, and the Saxon attacks that were repulsed, resulting in the death of the aged Tewdrig at Tintern ford in AD 508. The story then proceeds...

So it takes matters up to the time when Arthur II is in his 30's and much has been done. Read it if you want to know.

It would have made a stupendous film but film-making is a 'closed shop' anyway, and the idea of making a film about the ancient British and particularly about Wales or the Welsh would horrify the establishment.

The second and third parts of the intended trilogy were never published as the onslaughts launched against Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett, and the avalanche of criminal illegalities perpetrated against them, made it an undesirable proposition.

None-the-less it is still the best damn historical novel ever written!

[ Top ]


By Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett

Arthur & the Charter of Kings
  • Published: In 1981 - ( 2nd Book )
  • Language: British
  • Pages: 280
  • Dimensions
  • Hardback:
    30.5cm X 22cm X 2cm = 12.2" X 8.8" X 0.8"
  • Weight
  • Hardback: 1.3 kilograms = 2.9 pounds
Book price includes postage :-
Great Britain = £34.00
Rest of world = £37.00
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Book Introduction   (Click here to view free chapter)

This volume contains vital core evidence about the ancient Dynasty of the Kings of Glamorgan & Gwent. Obviously the main interest is in Arthur son of King Meurig, son of King Tewdrig, etc. The ancient Charters of Llandaff Cathedral list the Charters of the Kings, and occasionally Princes, granting land to the church of Llandaff starting around AD 450 and continuing on until well after AD 1100. The surviving Charters of Llancarfan Abbey are also listed starting around AD 400.

When a Charter was granted by the King, his brothers, cousins, uncles, etc frequently attended the ceremony and are listed as witnesses. The church was represented by the Bishops and his senior clergy and often by the three major Abbots of Llandough, Llancarfan, and Llanilltyd Fawr, (Lantwit Major) and others.

The Charters are important as they often include historical data and reasons for the Charters being granted to the Church. It is obvious that Kings and Bishops to not die at the same time, and so when one King died his successor was served by the same Bishop, and when a Bishop died his successor served the same King. Therefore there is an overlapping cascade of impeccable evidence of the succession of the Kings and Princes of South East Wales and of the Bishops and Abbots who were invariably members of the Royal Family and closely related to the Kings. We have a veritable Who Was Who of the ruling Kings of Khumric Wales and also much of Britain in the Dark Ages.

The English fiction of Wales being a Principality and not a Kingdom and a "prince of Wales", evaporates like the morning mist nonsense that it is. There are also four informative Lives of Saints included in the collection of Charters.

Also included in this Book are the massively important King Lists that appear in the Illustrious Harleian Manuscript number 3859. These were prepared for the wedding of Owen the Son of Howell Dda of West Wales around AD 920, and the 34 lists are of all the royal and noble families with whom Owen son of Howell can claim related descents. List No 4 clearly precisely names King Arthur I son of Mascen Wledig or Magnus Maximus and correctly states that he killed the Roman Emperor Gratian in AD 383.

Lists No 28 and 29 carry the named of Glamorgan Kings of the 5th, 6th, and early 7th centuries and these include King Teithfallt (Theodosius), King Tewdrig (Theoderic), King Meurig (Maurice), King Arthur II, and his sons Morgan and Ithael, and Ithael son of Morgan ect. Other valuable information shows descents from the Holy Family from Jerusalem who arrived in Wales in AD 37.

The intention of this Book was to make this information available to as many people as possible as in 1981 – 1982 there was no Internet and few or no computers, and great restrictions were placed on getting information out of the British Universities who were clearly worried about this very dangerous and Politically and Religiously Incorrect evidence.

It is no accident that establishment archaeologists have been working hard deliberately re-dating and misdating all the 200 or more ancient royal memorial stones in Wales by several centuries in order to confuse matters and to obscure history.

The idiotic stupidity of archaeologists all following the Judas Goat Collingwood is unbelievable, as they blindly follow the idea that stone carving began in North East England around AD 650, and so all Irish stones must date well after AD 650, and therefore all Khumric Welsh stones must date after the Irish.

Because of this misdating, the Welsh Kings and Princes named on the stones date 300 years or more after they are listed in the Charters and Histories, and after when they actually lived. The result is to enforce Political and Religious Correctness and to try to obliterate ALL ancient British History.

What is called archaeology in Khumric Wales is actually "Idiocracy".

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By Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett

Arthur King of Glamorgan & Gwent
  • Published: In 1981 - ( 1st Book )
  • Language: British
  • Pages: 320
  • Dimensions
  • Hardback:
    30.5cm X 22cm X 2.5cm = 12.2" X 8.8" X 1.0"
  • Weight
  • Hardback: 1.5 kilograms = 3.3 pounds
Book price includes postage :-
Great Britain = £34.00
Rest of world = £37.00
Surfacemail up to 8 weeks used for below :-

(Contact us for other options)

Book Introduction   (Click here to download an older copy of the ebook FREE!)

This book was published in 1981 as a "pipe-opener" in order to open up matter of the complete obliteration of the entire Dynasty of all the seventy to eighty Khumric-Welsh Kings that ruled Britain from South East Wales. In particular to prove that at least one King Arthur ruled from this area in the 6th century AD.

Nonsense was still being written about "King Arthur" being born in a castle at Tintagel in Cornwall (that is probably Din Dagol - "Double banked hill fort"), where there was an ancient monastery but never a castle (an American thinks that an earth-bank there was a castle). This and the Glastonbury hoax were both huge red-herrings. Glastonbury Abbey was not founded until AD 941 and St Dunstan was appointed first Abbot in AD 942 then that is NOT the Glastenburi of centuries earlier in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, and even that other Glastonburi is dated over two hundred years after Arthur II.

Further nonsense by a Canadian author alleged that many important sites were completely untraceable anywhere on any maps yet Mynydd Baedan - Mount Badon - battle site and Mynydd Camlann and Camlann valley are well marked on Government OS maps. Battle sites always have large grave mounds for the dead and the surrounding area has relevant place names. A simple example would be ie Maes-cad-llawr = Field of battle area. It is also simple to find the Llongborth battle site where a D-Day type of battle was fought in the surf along the sand beach. Everything was traceable and Mallory and other early writers firmly placed the fabled Camelot in South Wales.

Publishing this book was an attempt to get the whole matter of the cultural genocide and the assassination of the entire Heritage of the British people by the London Establishment, and the Church, out into the open. Ancient History of Britain had to be brought back into the view of the British Public.

The extent of the deliberate campaign to totally destroy all Ancient British Culture, Heritage, and History, was not understood by Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett in 1981. What they did understand was that there was an urgent need to do something positive, and so they decided to publish. Wales is a Kingdom.

There are several errors in this early book but even at this early stage in the Researches it was blindingly obvious that there were two King Arthurs who had been blended into one, but the fact that Magnus Maximus was married twice was not known to them. Arthur I was the eldest son of Magnus by his first wife Ceindrech, and Victor the Augustus of Gaul was his eldest son by his second wife. In the same way Magnus Maximus was the only son of Crispus Flavius Nobilis Caesar, who himself was the eldest son of The British Emperor Constantine the Great by the British Queen Minerva, and Magnus Maximus was the legitimate Emperor.

King Arthur II was a son of King Meurig (Maurice) and a grandson of King Tewdrig (Theoderic), and Tewdrig was buried at Mathern Church after being mortally wounded in a battle at the Tintern Ford on the River Wye in AD 508. This was in the Llandaff Cathedral Charters and in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles.

The most venerable of British ancient manuscripts very clearly illustrated this line of Kings who claimed a direct descent from Brutus the first King around 500 BC. Later researches showed that at this early stage Wilson and Blackett were still themselves unaware of vital date problems. They thought that it was necessary to open up the subject and to arouse some interest in the whole matter.

For example the statement in the Bruts of England that King Arthur II the eldest son of King Meurig, a direct descendant of Arthur I, "died in the 546 year of the incarnation of the lord" did not mean AD 546 to the British, but instead it meant 33 + 546 = AD 579, with the alleged incarnation being the date of a crucifixion. With this correct date of AD 579 for the death of Arthur II, all British History slots neatly into place. This vital but simple type of discovery made later transformed these historical studies.

The deadly importance of the fact that Apostolic Christianity arrived in Britain in AD 37 "the last year of Tiberius" was not appreciated. See Cardinals Baronius and Alford, and Nennius & Gildas, and others. Christianity was taken to Rome from Britain by the family of King Caradoc I in AD 51, in the time of the Emperor Claudius, and the first Bishop of Rome was Linus the son of Caradoc I. Not until the later reign of Nero did Peter - and later Paul - arrive in Rome.

The plain fact is that Western Apostolic Christianity began in Britain and spread out to Gaul and Rome from Britain. These facts are admitted by the quite different Church of Rome, but not too loudly and not too often.

The fact that at least 78 successive Welsh Kings ruling the Welsh Kingdom from circa 500 BC to AD 1300 is bad news for the Hanoverian Monarchy in England, as the nonsense of Edward I of England creating his second son Edward (eldest was Alfonso) as the "prince" of Wales is exposed. King Morgan was murdered by Edward I in AD 1300, so the Church wants to be rid of this Bad News History, and so does the London Establishment.

In 1981 all this was blurred in the fog and mist of deliberate religious and political distortions that have been created since AD 1714. The fact is that the British people are being robbed of their rightful Heritage, Culture, and History, that is their inalienable property. This is why this book was published as the opening shot in the war against the Conspiracy of the politicians and religionists, and to get interest in breaking down the academic Berlin Wall that prevents anyone from studying and publishing on the best recorded and most easily traceable Dynasty in Western Europe.

The volume shows the early thinking on the subject in 1981. This book stirred up a veritable hornets nest of anger in many quarters where these histories are forbidden No-Go areas.

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